(06) 2757575 轉 62539
[email protected]
江宇平 [[email protected]]
郭涵蓁 [[email protected]]
A Book on C by Al Kelley and Ira Pohl
- Introduction and Overview of C
- Flow Control
- Functions
- Array, Pointer and Strings
- Characters and Strings
- Input and Output
- Bitwise Operators & Enum Type
- The Preprocessor
- Structures and Unions
- Structure and List Processing
- Advanced Topics
- Homework: 40%
- Attendance/Quiz: 10%
- Mid-term: 25%
- Final Exam: 25%
- Due day: in class or 5 pm if no class that day and late penalty is 5 points a day, up to 5 days
- copy homework is treated as negative points
How to Pass This Course:
- You need to concentrate on the lecture in class(3 hours a week). (please take notes)
- You need to write the programming assignments by yourself.
It takes a lot of time to complete the programming assignments (unpredictable amount of time, debugging)
- You need another 9 hours per week to study the lecture notes and textbook.
You are encouraged to read the English version of the textbook. (Do not read the Chinese translation version).
- It is required to use the gcc compiler in UNIX. Prior to writing your first C program in UNIX,
you need to learn how to use a text editor in UNIX, which I prefer you to learn vi editor.
(I am sure that you will not like vi in the begining, but you will like it after you know it in the long run.)
- Submit your program code with the result outputs from a sample run throurgh ftp site.
- In addition to uploading your program, you also need to turn in the hardcopy printout of your program
and its results when you demo your programs to TA.